3 Ways To Ensure Your Mental Illness Doesn't Affect A Child Custody Decision

If you rent a house or an apartment, it's very beneficial to know the laws that protect tenants. Hi, my name is Sally Riddell and when I moved into my first apartment, I wanted to make sure that I knew all of the laws concerning the rights of tenants. I researched tenant laws and I also spoke with a family friend who is a lawyer to make sure that I understood my responsibilities and rights as a tenant. Because I knew this information before I started renting my apartment, I felt confident when signing my rental agreement. If you're considering living in a rental home or apartment, I suggest that you read my blog first. If you are already renting, this blog will also help you if you ever have any concerns.

3 Ways To Ensure Your Mental Illness Doesn't Affect A Child Custody Decision

20 November 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you're facing a custody battle but worry that your mental illness will be used as an excuse by your ex-partner, it's important that you do everything in your power to show that your illness is under control and that it shouldn't be considered as a part of the custody case. Below are tips on getting through the custody case and getting the decision that you and your child deserve.

Meet With Your Mental Health Professionals

If you're facing a custody battle, it's important that you discuss this with your mental health professionals so that they can better assist you.

If you have a mental illness, it doesn't mean that you're an unfit parent. Instead, with the proper guidance and care, you have just as much right to raising your child as the other parent. During such a stressful time, it's important that you touch base with your mental health professionals so they can offer you the level of care you need. This may mean increased counseling time for the duration of the custody battle, or even an adjustment in your medications while dealing with the added stress.

Take Medications as Prescribed

If you have a history of going off medications and suffering from lapses in your condition, it may be harder to fight for child custody.

The courts want to ensure that your child has a safe and stable home environment. In order to meet this requirement, this may mean sticking to a strict medication regimen to ensure that your symptoms stay under control. It's also important during this time to speak with your psychiatrist if any medications seemed to have stopped working, or if you think you need a med adjustment to deal with the additional stress of the custody battle. Taking steps such as these shows the courts that you're serious about handling your mental illness and not allowing it to get in the way of your child's well being.

Hire a Custody Lawyer

It may be unfair, but your ex-partner's lawyer may be using your mental illness as a way for them to win custody.

A custody lawyer can help you to prepare your defense as well as ensure that your rights as a human and a parent are being protected during the custody case. Having a mental illness does not make you an unfit parent or a danger to your child, and it's important that you have someone on your side who represents your legal rights as a parent. Having an experienced custody lawyer on your side will lower your stress levels and ensure that you have the support you need to fight the legal battle.

Mental illness doesn't mean that you have less rights as a parent. To learn more about mental illness and custody, consult with an experienced custody lawyer immediately. 

For professional family law services, contact a law firm such as LaCroix & Hand PC.