Kylie Phillips

If you rent a house or an apartment, it's very beneficial to know the laws that protect tenants. Hi, my name is Sally Riddell and when I moved into my first apartment, I wanted to make sure that I knew all of the laws concerning the rights of tenants. I researched tenant laws and I also spoke with a family friend who is a lawyer to make sure that I understood my responsibilities and rights as a tenant. Because I knew this information before I started renting my apartment, I felt confident when signing my rental agreement. If you're considering living in a rental home or apartment, I suggest that you read my blog first. If you are already renting, this blog will also help you if you ever have any concerns.

The Stages Your Compensation Process May Go Through After You Accidentally Slip Or Trip

19 July 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog

The primary purpose of seeking compensation after an accident is to enable you to get compensation for your losses. Therefore, when filing a claim after accidentally slipping or tripping, it is important to know how long the process will take and when you can expect to receive compensation. Your claim may take several months or years to resolve, depending on the measures you take after your accident. The best way to hasten the process is by working with a personal injury lawyer because they will know the measures to take to prevent hitches in the following stages: Read More …

3 Instances When You Should Hire An Employment Lawyer

22 June 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog

Whether you are a business owner or an employee, you might need an employment lawyer at some point. Employment law is a complex and ever-changing area of law, and it can be difficult to keep up with all the changes. That's where an employment lawyer comes in. As a business, they can help you stay up-to-date on the latest laws and ensure that your business is in compliance with all applicable regulations. Read More …

3 Reasons Why It Is Better To Hire A Criminal Defense Lawyer Sooner Rather Than Later

24 May 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog

All too often people put of retaining the services of a criminal defense lawyer until they absolutely have to. In most cases, this decision is made based on a desire to save money and the hope that their legal problems will ultimately resolve themselves. Unfortunately, this decision often creates even more problems and can end up costing more money in the long run. This is because the earlier you retain the services of a criminal defense lawyer, the more likely this lawyer is to be able to resolve your legal problems quickly. Read More …

Why You Should Hire a Lawyer When Your Child Isn’t Making Enough Progress in School

20 April 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog

When your child has special education needs, you might be frustrated when you feel like your child is not making the type of progress that you think they need to make. This could be the fault of the school. Each school is mandated to provide the resources needed for children who are struggling. You Might Be Overwhelmed You might feel overwhelmed, but you don't have to be. A special education lawyer is trained to identify warning signs that your child is not having their needs met. Read More …

How A Car Accident Attorney Will Help You Get Better Compensation

16 March 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog

Car crashes can be devastating. Most victims suffer from physical, emotional, and economic damages, leaving them to deal with claims, medical expenses, home modifications, and other losses. If you're involved in a crash, you need to hire a car accident attorney to help you with your claim. These attorneys will fight for your rights and ensure everything happens according to your interests. Keep reading to learn how these professionals can help you get a better settlement. Read More …