
If you rent a house or an apartment, it's very beneficial to know the laws that protect tenants. Hi, my name is Sally Riddell and when I moved into my first apartment, I wanted to make sure that I knew all of the laws concerning the rights of tenants. I researched tenant laws and I also spoke with a family friend who is a lawyer to make sure that I understood my responsibilities and rights as a tenant. Because I knew this information before I started renting my apartment, I felt confident when signing my rental agreement. If you're considering living in a rental home or apartment, I suggest that you read my blog first. If you are already renting, this blog will also help you if you ever have any concerns.

3 Ways To Be A More Organized Criminal Law Paralegal

1 September 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

As a criminal law paralegal, a big part of your job is making life easier for the attorneys at your firm. Criminal cases involve a large amount of complex paperwork, from arrest warrants to arraignment paperwork. While you were most likely hired in part for your keen organizational and document management skills, there is always room for improvement. Here are a few ways to become more organized as a criminal law paralegal. Read More …

Doing Something Dangerous At Work? Ensure These Things First

25 July 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Some jobs are more dangerous than others, but when it comes to embarking on any task that possesses a degree of danger, it's important to stop before you act. Of course, you want to do all that you can to lessen the risk of an injury, but you also need to think about covering yourself in the event that you are hurt. A good workers' compensation attorney is your best ally in the wake of an injury, but your employer may act like a foe and go to considerable lengths to refute your claim and keep you from being compensated. Read More …

Denied A Job Because You Refused Access To Personal Social Media? You Can Sue

23 June 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Civil rights attorney services cover a lot of laws and freedoms, many of which most people are either aware of but do not exercise, or they are unaware, and as a result, repeatedly have their rights and freedoms taken advantage of or taken from them. While ignorance of the law does not constitute an excuse in most situations, others infringing on your civil rights and freedoms is unacceptable. If you were recently denied a job because you refused to grant a company permission and access to your social media pages, you can sue. Read More …

Making The First Moves With Your Workers’ Comp Claim

23 May 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

It's safe to say that most people only think about the issue of workers' comp when they actually need it themselves. This valuable insurance coverage not only pays for your accident-related medical needs but can also provide you with a sum of money each week when you are unable to work because of that injury. When you do get hurt at work you are responsible for making the first moves to get the workers' compensation process started, so read on learn more about taking part in getting the help you need. Read More …

Do You Need Legal Help After Your Car Wreck?

23 April 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Even personal injury attorneys will tell you that not all accidents call for legal help. If the accident is relatively minor and no one was hurt, you might just be able to let the insurance carriers handle it. Most insurance policies cover vehicle repair or replacement, and if you need to go to the hospital to get checked out, which is a good idea, you are covered for that too. There are times, however, when not speaking to an attorney would be foolish. Read More …